Northern Inuit Breed Standard

The skull is powerful and wedge-shaped, flattened on top with a mild stop. The skull is broadest at the ears, narrowing slightly at the eyes. There should be a good length of muzzle and the width at the ears should be at least two-thirds of the total length of the skull and muzzle.
The muzzle is long, straight with a flattened upper surface, moderately pointed and tapering smoothly into the head with close tight fitting lips and a strong jaw. The end of the muzzle should be blunt, but not square or pinched.
Evenly set that meet with an even or scissors bite. They should be neither under nor over shot.
Ears are fully pricked, triangular and are slightly rounded at the tips, of medium size but in proportion to the head, set wide apart on the skull and carried facing forward and erect. At full attention they are held erect. The bottom of the ear should not pass the zygomatic arch. Ears in adults should be furred on the inside.
The eyes are to be alert, clear, almond in shape, and obliquely set with corner-lines intersecting toward the nose. They should never be round or protruding. Eyes are yellow through amber and brown.
Black is the preferred colour but snow noses are permitted.

The neck is strong, long, graceful, well muscled clearly defining the nape. Highly mobile, the neck is held either extended upward, so as to elevate the head and emphasise an alert posture, or hung low when relaxed. It is well furred, beginning with the cheek ruff, extending and blending into the shoulders and chest.
The shoulders are set close together at the withers and long with a slightly narrow view from the top. Good extension is essential during movement.
The back is long, well muscled yet flexible, with a level top line, well sprung across the loins. The back should be relatively narrow when viewed from the top, and should taper cleanly into the ribs. During movement, the back may demonstrate a supple undulating motion at the walk, although this same motion is not apparent at a trot.
The chest should be narrow, keel shaped with a prominent, angulated breastbone. The ribs are moderately well sprung, long and flattened on the sides. The rib cage should have visible length; point of brisket to the last rib should encompass no less than two-thirds the total body length and should reach to the point of the elbow.
The forelegs should be straight, strong and parallel to each other, well up under the brisket. Bone should be moderate in structure and oval or flattened rather than round. The forelegs should show great length, at least equal to or greater than the depth of the chest. Elbows should be equi-distant between the shoulders and the feet.
The thighs and hindquarters are muscular, powerful and streamlined. They should be long and moderately angulated, giving the dog a powerful drive, with strength carried through to the second thigh.


Long, strong and well let down, hocks are slightly behind the body and parallel at trot. In some individuals, the narrowness of the build may give the hocks a slightly ‘cow-hocked’ look at rest.
The tail is moderately low set and follows the spinal column down off the croup smoothly. It is well furred, but not feathered, and carried low while at rest and is moderately short. The bone should go no further than the hock joint. The tail should be straight and may be lifted when excited to the upright or sickle positions.
Turned slightly outward, feet are long in proportion to the total size of the dog. They have elongated well arched and well spaced toes. The toes may be webbed with large durable pads and are protected by hair between the toes. Can have five rear toes. Toenails are strong.
Smooth, free, and effortless gait with a well-balanced, far reaching stride. Good reach in the forequarters, and good follow through in the hindquarters. Fore and hind legs move straight and parallel with the centre line of the body. As speed increases, the feet (front and rear) converge toward the center line of gravity of the dog while the back remains firm and level. As the pad marks converge, the forelegs and hind legs are carried straight forward, with neither elbows nor stifles turned in or out. Single tracking is highly desired. In movement the head is carried in a forward position.
Guard coat is moderately coarse in texture, straight, weather resistant and of medium length. The undercoat varies in quantity with variations in climate or season, and is soft. Fur is short and smooth on the head, ears, front of forelegs and below the hocks. There is a moderate ruff, more pronounced in dogs than bitches. The coat should conform to the body without standing out or hanging down.
Pure white or any colour Agouti from Grey or Apricot through to pure black. White faces permitted on any colour. Mask-like or cap-like markings permitted on the faces of any colour other than white. Where white appears on the legs and feet the colour change must be gradual. Well blended facial masks are desirable on all but black or white.


A large breed in size with a minimum height of 26” for males and 24” for females. Body length should be slightly longer than the height.
Can be aloof and reserved with strangers but generally friendly and outgoing, with no aggressive tendencies. Can be energetic in play and highly intelligent. They are highly pack oriented and when socialised appropriately, get along well with other dogs and animals. They bond for life with their human, are loyal, loving and happiest with company. As a result, they can be destructive if left unattended and unoccupied for lengths of time.
Long coat, single coat, ink marked, soft ears, tail feathers.
NOTE: All males should have two apparently normal testicles descended into the scrotum